Monday, October 20, 2008

Claire's First Official Haircut

On October 8th, we took Claire to get her first official haircut at Cookie Cutters. We thought it would be nice to do it around the same time we took Drew for his first cut. Plus, I did not want to risk trying to cut her bangs again, since I am not very good at it. She started out good--as you can see in the close up photo (the one with her in the pink cap). But, as soon as the hairstylist started to cut her hair, the waterworks began. I told Aaron that she was like one of the model contestants that cry on the "makeover episode" of America's Next Top Model when the chop their hair and dye it the complete opposite of their original hair color. Nothing would pacify her--a lollipop, honeybee cracker, the Little Einstein show playing on the television, our laughing, etc. The hairstylist gave her a slight trim and little damage was done. She stopped crying almost immediately once I got her out of the chair. As part of the "first cut" package they give you a certificate with the child's picture and a lock of the hair they cut. Needless to say, the photo of Claire is priceless--her eyes are full of tears and her mouth is in full pout action. It will be fun to bring it out someday when Claire is older and having one of her diva moments (which I am sure there will be plenty of!)

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